Small problem
I’ve got a small problem. As most of you know, Shadow is a very bouncy and somewhat nervous dog. She is very prone to barking at occasional noises. That can be as simple as my Master coming downstairs. Now, here’s the thing, she keeps making me jump. That wouldn’t be so big a problem if it didn’t lead me to be slightly incontinent. We have a bit of a pattern going on. A normal household noise, Shadow barks, I jump, I pee – our Mistress sighs and cleans up after me – and repeat! I think it may be proving a bit tiresome. She has certainly had serious words with Shadow, but let’s face it, she’s been a jumpy dog for the last eleven years so she’s not going to change now.

My Master had a Lego Yoda for his birthday. There are over 1700 pieces of Lego he needs to put together in the right order. It comes with an instruction book that has about 525 stages of what he has to do. He’s got as far as number 40. We’re taking bets on exactly how far he will get before he has to fly back to Switzerland. Our Mistress says if he finishes it then she will bring out the Airfix kit he started two years ago.
I was eating again yesterday. I didn’t finish my breakfast until later in the morning, but I did have lunch and tea. I have said I’d quite like to see if there is a wet food I could try but after having had a touch of pancreatitis not so long back I know our Mistress wants to be a bit careful about changing my food. I guess all things considered I can probably see her point. That brings me neatly back round to suggesting she gets me more steak.