If you shake me I think I’d rattle. You would not believe how many tablets I’m taking. I’m just glad that our Mistress seems to be completely on top of what I have to take when as I would stand no chance of remembering. It all got a bit more complicated yesterday as I really didn’t feel like eating in the early part of the day. Our Mistress was very worried about me as it is not like me to refuse food. I did have my breakfast late morning, but then skipped lunch. On the bright side it meant I was ready for tea, so not so bad really. Our Mistress is going to look at what else I could eat to keep me interested, but has stressed that steak is not on the list. Even just a little bit would be nice.

Shadow will rejoin the party today so that will add to the excitement around the house. I’m guessing she’ll do a fair amount of bouncing, but as long as it’s not actually on me then we won’t fall out. Thankfully the last few days has meant our Mistress’s leg has had a good chance to get a bit stronger, so she thinks she’s ready to start doing a little bit more than she was. Our Master is around to help at the moment too so it shouldn’t be too bad. She has said she really never wants to break a bone ever again because it’s way too inconvenient. I think she thinks an automatic car will be a good idea in future too. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I prefer the idea of driverless cars, then we could get around under our own steam too. There will come a time when a dog can go to the park on his or her own – you just wait and see!