A Sad Day
Yesterday was a sad day. Alfie heard from his sister Esther’s family to say that sadly she died last week. Mum was really upset and said she just wanted to hold Alfie’s paw. He’s in England and we are still in Switzerland so we couldn’t be there for him. He is now the only one left from his litter and Mum says she really wants to make the most of the time they have left together. He asked me to send his love and best wishes to all his family in Belgium and to tell them he is thinking of them all.

Problems our end
Things aren’t going quite to plan this end either. It turns out that Mum’s ankle is actually broken. It means she is not going to be able to drive for at least four weeks and needs to rest. Getting home is going to be complicated enough. Dad will be driving us in Mum’s car, but Mum has to sit with her leg up, which is going to be quite a challenge. When we do get home things will still be rather complicated. She has asked if I would mind going to kennels for a week just to give her a complete rest. How am I going to look after her in kennels? It does mean I will get lots of exercise, and see my doggy friends so it’s not all bad. She’s going to have a week at home with just Alfie to care for and I think he will rather like that too.
Samichlaus and Schmutzli called at our house yesterday. It’s like Father Christmas but different. Anyway, there is a big parade in the town and Mum had wanted to go to it, but obviously couldn’t. Parts of the parade go around different street collecting for charity and calling at all the houses. There was a donkey, that I barked at, and men with large cow bells and others cracking whips. There were special lanterns and of course Samichlaus. Mum was so happy not to miss it all completely. She was on her crutches so she couldn’t take any pictures for you.
Sorry to hear about Esther. Also, your Mum. What a shame it is broken. I broke my Mum`s ankle when I ran into her as a puppy!! I hope you all get home OK. We are waiting for the man to come and mend the drain in the front garden. I will make sure he does his work well. It is raining so the front drive will be very muddy. I hope he is bringing a digger and I am allowed to look at it. I love machinery. Love to you all, Dickens XXXX
Thanks Dickens – Ooo a digger sounds fun. I really think I’d like to play with one of those. Have a great time