There goes my fun – Saturday 30th November 2019

There goes my fun

Well there goes my fun. In a nutshell Mum is going to be doing a lot of sitting around and I’m going to be twiddling my paws waiting to see if she needs anything. On the plus side her ankle is not broken. Sadly, her ligaments aren’t in quite such a good shape and she’s on crutches, wearing an ankle boot and not allowed to drive.

Mum has said I need to be a ‘bowl half full’ sort of a dog. I’m not allowed to think about the fact we can’t go on the lantern walk, or walk around the lake. I mustn’t think we can’t spend some time every day up on my favourite mountain. I need to think about the positives.

Reasons to be cheerful

So far my reasons to be cheerful run as follows. There have been more nearly empty ice cream containers to lick the bottoms of. The duvet covering Mum’s foot spills onto the floor and is very cosy to curl up on. I’ve got both Mum and Dad at home with me and that always makes me happy. It’s raining outside so not as much fun as I was hoping for. I am working on extending that list, but that’s as far as I’ve got so far.


I think I may need to make a confession. At the point that Mum fell over we were talking about a diary entry I plan to put together when I get home. I do now wonder whether talking about that may have distracted her and stopped her concentrating. I just hope that Wilma’s Top Ten Tips for the Travelling Dog will prove worth it. I’m now thinking the list should start with ‘Don’t let your human fall over when out for a walk’.




  1. I am so sorry to hear the news about your Mum . She will be feeling very sad and disappointed. I hope her foot gets better soon. I know what it is like as my Mum hurt her foot walking in the woods. The answer is lots of rest, a word we do not like to hear!!! I am sure you will still have a lovely time there, the days will just be different to what you planned. Lots of love Dickens XXXXX

    • She is fed up, but trying to look at the positives. She is being very good and doing exactly what the doctor said. I’m not sure how long that will last but I’m on guard. I did get a lovely walk in the snow this morning with Dad, so all is not lost.
      Love to you all

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