Car Wash – Monday 25th November 2019

Car wash

Yesterday was car wash day. Actually, Alfie said I should circle it on the calendar as it was a historic car wash day. He couldn’t remember when the last time was that Mum washed her own car. Apparently, that’s one of the downsides of children growing up. When they move on in the world they are no longer available for slave labour for their parents. Aristotle didn’t mind as he went out and helped. I stayed inside. Mum had got a log fire burning in the office and it really did make for feeling very sleepy indeed. She had to let it burn down quite soon after starting it otherwise she said we’d all be asleep and get nothing done. What I’m not really sure about is what exactly she had in mind the four of us getting done.

Alfie’s moulting

Normally, as a breed we moult twice a year. Girls generally just before their seasons if they have not been neutered and the rest of us in line with the changing seasons. Sometimes when the weather can’t make up its mind we seem to keep changing coat for ages but once it’s done then things settle down for a while. Alfie is moulting now. Mum’s a bit concerned as his coat really isn’t looking its best. Normally, that would be time to give us a good brush to help things along. On the whole we groom ourselves so it’s not all that necessary.

Nail Trim

Anyway, Alfie needs a good brush and she can’t really do it as she normally would as it would hurt him too much. She spent ages outside with him giving him a good scratch and rub around the painful bits and then brushed really gently to remove the loosened hair. It took much longer than normal, but he enjoyed it and he didn’t yelp. He’s having his nails trimmed next week too and is looking forward to it. With not walking far they don’t wear down as they used to. He is still resisting having pretty patterns painted on his nails, which I think is a shame.

