Sleepy Days
Well yesterday was definitely a sleepy day and I think that today might be a sleepy day too. Mum thinks that when the weather is dull and miserable she should be allowed to hibernate. I’m not against the idea in principle, but I do still want her to be ready for action at a moment’s notice. Yesterday, there wasn’t a lot of action if I’m being honest. It wasn’t helped by Alfie having one of his days where he barked non-stop almost all day. Funnily enough, Mum even managed to fall asleep while he was barking so I think she must have been tired.
Cream Tea
I should have started with the most important thing for the day. Today is my human grandpa’s 94th birthday. That is an awful lot of real years. Happy birthday, Grandpa. Alfie is sort of older than Grandpa now, but even so we can’t imagine what it must have been like to be born in 1925. We’re having a cream tea with him this afternoon, but at each end of our Amazon Alexa screens as Mum couldn’t go down to see him with all of us in tow. We will get to see him on our way to Switzerland next week, so it’s not long to wait.
This week is mostly about preparations for my Swiss trip. To be fair, my own preparations are fairly limited. I just need to check I’ve got enough food to pack. Mum on the other paw needs to get the winter tyres put on the car and book our travel, amongst other things. Dad has asked her to buy some English Christmas foods to take. She doesn’t really like doing that as they are things that are toxic for dogs and she prefers to put us first. I’ve promised to be good and Dad has promised not to eat them while I’m there, so I think everyone is happy.
The funniest bit was when she realised she needs to sort things like Christmas cards that need sending before we go. I think she is going to be busy!
Waiting for a Puppy

When someone is waiting for a puppy we know it can be really hard. Our Club came up with a lovely idea. They send the people who are waiting a Hoppig to keep them company until their real puppy is born. I helped Mum box these two up yesterday to send out to their new homes. I do hope they will be will be happy, although putting them in their boxes did rather worry me!