I hate goodbyes

I hate goodbyes. Dad went back to Switzerland yesterday and now we’re all wandering round feeling a little lost. Obviously, Mum is worst. Aristotle is not too bad at all, but the rest of us miss him dreadfully. Alfie always wonders if he will see him again, but as he’s been wondering that for the last eighteen months we’ve sort of pointed out that it seems very likely. Shadow is just a bit quiet and down. She misses all the extra attention and cuddles. Me? Well I’m inconsolable. In our house, if you forget to say goodbye to me, I mean actually use the word ‘goodbye’ then I waste hours looking everywhere for where you’re hiding or watching for you coming through the door. Dad does remember to speak to me before he goes as he knows what I’m like, but then I just miss him.
A brighter note
On a brighter note, Mum is going to buy the steak for Alfie’s birthday later. I’ve requested rib eye but I’m not sure that I shall get what I wanted. I think Alfie will get a small steak of his own and the rest of us will have to share one, but a girl can dream. Mum says when I get to be old then I can have my own steak too. Of course, I am planning to live a long time, but I’m rather hoping I shall get round her long before that.
New Ramp
Actually, the most exciting thing that is happening today, apart from Shadow going swimming, is that a lovely man in the village is going to try to help Mum by making a ramp that will allow Alfie to get up to the office. The ramp will only be able to be half the width of the stairs so Mum can still get up there, but she thinks that would work. Alfie would love to be able to lie near her during the day and if it works she’s also said we might move to sleep on the bed in the office while Dad is away so we can be near Alfie night and day. I think they’d both like that, so I really hope it works. She may have to do some tidying up though, you can’t actually see the bed at the moment, never mind use it!
Have a great Tuesday