It’s Snowing

I heard from Falk and Megan yesterday and it’s snowing. Not here, obviously, but in Switzerland. I want to set off now to join them. Mum is being so boring making me wait. It might have stopped by the time I get there. I’m an excited dog.
All that happens here is we get soaked with rain if we so much as look outside. It really isn’t fair.

All about us
I thought you’d like to see the piece that the lovely people at Vuelio have posted featuring us and Mum and how this whole diary came about. I know some of it is not so relevant to you, as you aren’t all working in press or public relations, but the rest of it is much more interesting. You can find it HERE – they’ve used my photo which is just awesome.
Some good news
Bernie, the Appenzeller puppy is doing really well. He’s gone for a sleepover with a family who already have an Entlebucher. He’s got to decide if he thinks he’d like to live with them and they can see how well he fits with them. Given he’s absolutely gorgeous I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to keep him. I even asked Mum if I could have him, but she said a very definite ‘no’. She said it a little too quickly, as though she was trying to convince herself, so there may be an opportunity for me to work on her.
Family Day
Yesterday I had to do a meet and greet for the breed and today I’m having a family day. This time it’s my family rather than our human family. My half-brother, Salvo and niece, Izzy, are coming for the day and we’re going out for a walk to catch up. Izzy has come to talk to Shadow mainly as she wants to know what she should expect with having her own family next year. It’s all very exciting.
Anyway, have a great Saturday