Cheering Dad Up – Sunday 3rd November 2019

Cheering Dad Up

Our job today is cheering Dad up. He’s a big sports fan and particularly rugby. After England lost in the world cup final yesterday he was very down so now it’s up to us to cheer him up. Dogs are good for that. We always know the sort of mood you in and every single one of us can act as a therapy dog within our own families. My approach is to spend some time assessing the situation first. The last thing you want to do is go bowling in before your human is ready. Then I go in and see if he’s ready for a kiss. Usually, if I start smothering him with kisses I can raise a smile before too long.

I always think it’s a good idea to take your human out for a walk in these situations, but it can be a bit longer before they are ready for that. You have to get your timings right.

With Mum I always think it’s a shame I can’t cook as cake so often seems to be the answer for her. I can at the very least give her a cuddle and lead her into the kitchen.

Exciting Month

This month is exciting. We’re on the countdown to Alfie’s birthday. In just another ten days he will reach the age of 14. We’re all pretty excited, well, as much as Alfie gets excited about anything these days. Mum has promised us steak, which is always appreciated. She has also said if the weather is good she’s going to try to see if he can get into his little car and go for a drive. Fortunately it’s quite low to the ground so he might manage to do it. He hasn’t been in it for over a year I don’t think, so I think he’ll enjoy that.

Anyway, that’s all from me today.

Don’t forget to cheer your humans up if they need it.

