That’s a relief
Well, that’s a relief. Alfie is feeling quite a lot better and apparently his kidneys and liver are in very good shape for a dog of his age. As he likes to keep telling us, he’s going to be 14 in under two weeks. What his blood test did show was that the fat in his blood is a little high. It looks as though he may have had a touch of pancreatitis. You would think it was catching in this house! He’s obviously been spending too much time with Shadow. Anyway, after discussing it with Mum, he’s decided to move onto the special food that Shadow has to try to prevent it happening again.
Buying Food
Poor Mum, she gets so confused as to how much of which food to buy for all of us. She’s only just stocked up on the one Alfie was eating. I hope Ari doesn’t go off it, or I’m going to have to eat it instead. Our breed does seem to have more than our fair share of pancreas problems. Mum has said that as a precaution, and given he did have a bout of it when he was younger, when Ari comes to the end of the food he’s on she may move him on to the sensitive diet as well – just to be safe.
Going to the station
Whilst you all go out trick or treating, or whatever it is you have planned, I’m going to the station this evening to meet Dad’s train. I love going to greet him. Mum likes me going too as she’s not awfully keen on stations at night. It depends which train he gets on, but you’d be amazed how many drunk people there seem to be even earlier in the evening. It’s always worse on race meeting days. Some days it’s obvious they are stag or hen parties as not only are they staggering but wearing the weirdest things. Mind you, that could go for the race meetings too!
Have a great Thursday
Hi Wilma, We are all very pleased to hear about Alfie`s results. I have to have low fat too so it must be something our breed has to keep an eye on. I am so pleased I am able to go out for short walks. It has been great visiting my old places and catching up on plenty of sniffing to see who has been there in my absence. Hope you all have a lovely time when your Dad gets home, please send him my very best wishes too.
Love to you all Dickens XXXXX
Thank you, Dickens. I’m feeling so much better. I’m glad you are out and about again, even for short walks. Happy sniffing