Waiting for Results
Today is mostly about waiting for results. Alfie wasn’t himself yesterday so he went to have a blood test. Mum is particularly concerned to check his kidneys are ok. He has been drinking absolutely loads. To begin with she thought it was because he was in pain and panting, but his pain seems under control. He has also been quite reluctant eating and then yesterday didn’t want his breakfast at all – and that has never happened before. Again, Mum had thought it was about his teeth so he’s on a repeat dose of antibiotics and they will have kicked in by now. On top of that he’d peed in the kitchen again and pooed in there too. He’s also been looking to try to eat grass more than normal. We’ll let you know when we hear.
We’re still waiting for Shadow’s blood test result from last week too. Hopefully we’ll get that soon.
Log Fires
One of the best things about the weather getting colder is that Mum lights the log fire. To be honest, she doesn’t always do it very well and sometimes it goes out and she has to start again. Once it’s going though it’s lovely and warm in the office and a great place to have a snooze. Mum says when it gets too warm she wants to snooze too, which is really not the result she’s trying to achieve. I’m trying to get her to move things around so we can have one of the big comfy beds in front of it, but it’s going to mean moving quite a few things so I’m not sure she will agree.
It used to be like that with a big chair, but that chair went to chair heaven so I may need to think of a different option.
Have fun, love from