Ups and downs of a Sunday
Well, here I am to tell you the ups and downs of a Sunday. Obviously not just any Sunday, but my Sunday yesterday. Being an elderly dog really does have high points and low points. I started with a low point. Our Mistress was very tired after Saturday and didn’t set her alarm. It wasn’t that she got up late, it was more that she’d gone to bed early. Anyway, I disgraced myself and just couldn’t wait until she came down. She wasn’t cross. She never is. I just hate it. I’m a very clean dog and it upsets me when I can’t get outside in time for the toilet.
My photo shoot
We went for my photo shoot mid morning. I’d got over things by then and was in quite a good frame of mind. There was a bit of a funny moment as she parked on a slope so my ramp was a little steeper than normal and I went down it at a fair rate of knots and just carried on down the hill. Our Mistress hadn’t actually got my lead on my collar at that point. I’d have been better in my harness so she had something to grab onto, but she gamely ran down the hill after me and told me she was impressed at the speed I can still muster when I try.
Vanilla Biscuits
I’ve met the photographer before so I was quite relaxed around him and everything was set up ready for me. Our Mistress had taken my very favourite vanilla biscuits with her so I had a good incentive to do what she wanted me too. Ari is going to have to make do with the other flavours as I’ve had a fair amount of the vanilla ones out of the packet. There are three flavours and to be fair, vanilla is all our favourites.
The Result
I can’t show you yet, but when I can I think you are going to be impressed with the result. We set out to recreate the picture from ten years ago and the photographer did an amazing job of doing just that. I can’t wait to show you, but you’ll have to be patient for a short while. If things go to plan, the photographer is going to come to home to do some pictures with our Master in them too. I’m really pleased about that.
The afternoon
I was exhausted when I got home and slept for age. Then I spent the evening being very whiny, for no reason I can particularly put my paw on. It was just the sort of day when you realised that the gloom has set in early and you’ve been made to wait an extra hour for tea, compared with when your tummy says. Our Mistress says that she hates the dark nights and if I’m honest, I can see her point. Still I had some time in the garden before it got dark and the sunshine was welcome even if it was cold.
Now I’ve written all that, I’m worn out. I’ll let you know when you can see the photo.
Love to you all