Photo Shoot
Today is Alfie’s photo shoot with Mum. They are trying to recreate the picture they had taken ten years ago, but obviously ten years on. Both of them are somewhat greyer but Mum is hoping that the bond they share can come out just as much now as it did back then. She is even trying to wear similar clothing, although she can’t actually wear the same jumper as she managed to shrink it in the wash some years ago. Fortunately, she has something similar to wear. Now she’s just hoping that Alfie is going to have a good day and be able to do the things he needs to do to make it work. Paws crossed.

Good News
Yesterday’s breeding test went very well despite the weather. All four dogs passed both tests they were doing, including my niece Izzy so I’m really proud of her. She just needs to finish all her remaining health tests and then she will be able to have puppies. She’s had most of her tests now, but still needs to have her one for ectopic ureter. It will be so exciting to have more family born in this country. Mum says all four of the dogs taking part were lovely and she’d have happily brought them all home. I think on balance we’re probably glad she didn’t.
So Excited
We’re all really excited as Dad is coming home on Thursday and will be around for a whole week. The others haven’t seem that much of him since the summer. They all have plans of things they want to do with him, including lots of cuddles of course. I hope the weather’s good as Ari and Shadow are both hoping to take him for walks and Alfie just wants to be near him for a while.