Friday Flashback
I need Friday Flashback today. Yesterday was a hard day. Alfie wasn’t feeling so good and cried all day. He also peed in the kitchen in the morning, leaving a big puddle for Mum to clear up and then peed in the snug later, which was rather more difficult. He’d only been out an hour before that, so Mum was very frustrated. We both fell into bed at the end of the day. Anyway, let’s look back to happier times.
This made me smile from 2012.
Aristotle Swimming
Aristotle headed down the swimming pool on his own yesterday without being asked. He’d got back from swimming one length and just turned round to do the next one without a break in between. I know it doesn’t sound much but it is a bit of a giveaway that he was enjoying himself. He’d been to the garden centre before hand to buy the bowl he still owed his mother. He’s had to save up for quite a while to replace the one he’d broken, but to give him his due he did get her a nice replacement. He’s given it to her this morning and she came over all tearful. I’m guessing that’s her hormones as much as anything.
She and Megan are quite excited about next Tuesday. I don’t know what sort of mood they will be in if one comes back saying she’s pregnant and the other one that she isn’t. I think they may have to be separated if that’s the case so that the one who isn’t doesn’t get too upset. If they both are then it will be action stations getting everything ready. The first job will be to move the freezer and before that happens we need to empty it. I’ve offered to help eating the contents.
For the record it turned out only Shadow was pregnant on that occasion. Megan couldn’t have puppies, but Mum didn’t know that then.
Oh this was fun because I wrote it and it’s about me! It’s from two years ago, 2017.
Daddy’s Girl

It’s Wilma here again. I really am a bit of a daddy’s girl. Until I moved in Dad loved the other dogs but there were limits. There were times he didn’t want their company and places he didn’t think they should be. Then I arrived and he’s now as soppy as Mum is. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m such a demonstrative dog and have shown I love them both equally, or just a knack I have, but there is nothing I can’t get away with. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t abuse the situation, but I do like to snuggle him at every opportunity and tell him how much I love him and he seems to rather like it. I guess it’s a bit hard on Shadow as she’s supposed to be his dog, but she’s never been one to throw her arms round the people she loves and be quite as emphatic in showing her feelings.
That’s all for now. Have a great Friday
Hugs to Alfie xxx
Alfie says thank you. He’s feeling a little brighter at the moment and has stopped crying, so maybe today will be a good day for him.