Canis Non Grata – Thursday 17th October 2019

Canis Non Grata

I appear to be Canis Non Grata! Here’s me wanting to tell the others about the fantastic time I had in Switzerland and how Dad is and all three of them are sulking with me. To be fair, Alfie isn’t sulking but is fed up sharing a room with Shadow. Shadow is fed up as she has a touch of pancreatitis again and doesn’t feel too good. She also has the most dreadful smelling wind, which is why Alfie is fed up with her. She went to the vet last night so hopefully she should be quite well again soon. Aristotle on the other paw is fed up as now Shadow stays with Alfie in the kennels he gets lonely. He was so pleased to see Mum. He’d missed her dreadfully and as a result didn’t want to hear about all the fun things we’d been doing together.

Looking ahead

Ari did make me feel a little bit bad about it all. I said I’d talk to Mum about getting his vaccinations up to date so that maybe he could come with us. Unfortunately she has said it’s not that simple as it would mean updating his insurance as well so it would all get quite costly. He’s not as well behaved travelling either, even if you leave aside the man whose hand he nipped on time in a hotel. In his defence it was a misunderstanding and the man did apologise. Anyway, he’s not coming on any trips very soon. Mum doesn’t think he’d cope with all the stairs in our house in Switzerland either.

Back on the diet

Mum is fed up as now she is home she got back on the scales. It seems all those ice creams and cakes weren’t calorie free after all. I think she may be a bit crotchety for a few days until she gets back into feeling better about things.

Which all means I’m going to be a good girl and twiddle my paws until everyone has forgotten that I’ve just had a fantastic trip and have reached my ideal weight.

