Let it Snow – Wednesday 16th October 2019

Let It Snow

Please don’t think Let It Snow is an instruction to the weather just yet. It’s a book title. I’m really very excited about the book and Mum has been reading it to me every night. It’s the first time I’ve been mentioned by name in the acknowledgements for a book. I don’t think even Mum has ever included me. Anyway, I’m mentioned and so are lots of places I know and love.


You may remember, a little under a year ago, one of Mum’s writing friends, Sue Moorcroft, came to Switzerland with us to research the book she was writing then. Well, Let It Snow is that book and it’s now available to buy as an ebook. Mum has been reading a chapter to me when I go to bed and it’s been wonderful to find things I’ve done appearing in the book. Mum says that Sue’s books are romance but with deeper stories than most in that genre. I don’t want to give too much about the story away, but Lily is searching for part of her birth family and they don’t know they even have a sister.

My favourite places

Anyway, I know how much you all love reading about my travels in Switzerland and you will find lots of those places in this book. Even our village of Alosen gets a mention, and the orange cow on next door’s porch. My mountain is in there and the Christmas markets we went to near where Mama lives. Well, lots of places you will know from my travels, even the journey itself and the places we stay along the way. I’m not actually the dog in the book, he’s called Doggo and is a Dalmatian. I really really like the sound of him though and want to meet him. Mum has had to remind me it’s fiction and isn’t real. She’s said if I’m good she will create me an imaginary Dalmation of my very own!

Anyway, it’s only 99p on Kindle at the moment so you really can’t go wrong. You can buy it HERE The paperback and audio book come out on 14th November. Mum’s going to their launch, but I’ve not been invited to that.

Have a great day




  1. Thank you for such a great review, Wilma! I’m glad you enjoyed Let it Snow and thanks for showing me your part of Switzerland last year. (PS If you want to come to the launch I can wangle you an invitation but I’m not sure the bookshop will go for it …) x

    • I’ve talked to Mum and she says I can’t go to her meeting earlier, so I guess I have to miss out. Thank you anyway.
      Love, wags and licks

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