Humans are odd
I know I’ve said it before, but humans are odd. Take yesterday for example. ‘Get ready, Wilma, we’re going out.’ So I got ready. Mum and Dad had told me we had to take my human aunt to the station and then we would be going for a day out in Luzern. Now, I’m not the greatest fan of towns, but they haven’t made me go to any others recently, so I was willing to give it a go. They promised it was pretty and we would find somewhere nice to sit and enjoy the sunshine, so I said I was game. Things did not go quite as I expected.

They programmed the sat-nav for Rothenberg first. It’s near to Luzern so I didn’t think much of it, until we got there and I recognised the Ikea car park. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in that car park, although not this year. My heart sank. Whilst I curled up for a nap underground, they set off to look for three items. Only three items – how long could that take? Anyway, when they came back to the car they had two trolleys between them and there were definitely more than three items. I’m pleased to say that they did actually get the three they went for, but there seem to have been at least another ten besides.
My mountain
We didn’t end up going to Luzern, Mum had had enough and needed to ‘build’ a couple of the items that had been bought. As it turned out, I didn’t mind at all as we went up my mountain later instead and had a lovely walk. I couldn’t have a run as there were lots of farmers cutting and bailing the grass so I’d have been in the way.

Today we are not going to a town and they have promised not to change the plans. We’re going for a relaxing day at the top of the Rigi and that suits me just fine.