Beautiful Day

Yesterday was a beautiful day. We didn’t make sunrise. It seems not everyone is happy to get up as early as I am. However, Mum made it up to me later by taking me for two lovely walks. The first was to my mountain, where I had a run with Megan and was delighted to see Falk and find he was feeling a bit better than he has been. It was such a beautiful day I didn’t really want to go back to the car at all. Mum insisted though and said she had to do some work, but promised we’d do something nice again later in the day.

I think with the good weather everyone decided they needed to come out for a walk to my mountain as by the time we got back to the car the car park was nearly full. It wasn’t like that when it rained on Wednesday!

Later we went for a walk to Gottschalkenberg, where there is a place called Bellvue, which looks over Lake Zurich. If I’m being strictly honest, I get less excited about that bit than Mum does. I do however love being able to climb up onto the tree stumps and have Mum take a ‘stumpie’ photo of me there.

I’d done the whole vet thing in the morning too. I’ve got my vet here very well trained. I sit by the treat drawer looking doleful and she almost always gives in and gets me an extra treat. Mum says I’m very naughty but a girl has to use her charms any way she can. My charms get me a place in bed next to Mum with my head on her pillow too, so I don’t think telling me off about getting round the vet is very serious!
More fun
After we’ve taken my human aunt to the station today I think Mum and Dad are taking me out for the day. Dad has had a bad back all week so I’m not exactly sure what the plan is, but the weather forecast is good so as long as we’re outdoors a lot of the time I’ll be happy.