Crazy Dogs

‘Crazy dogs’ that’s how we keep being described. Can I help it if I like running like a mad thing? If I find another dog to play chase with then I intend to enjoy every single minute of it. Yesterday it was my sister Valeria and my niece Fiametta. To be honest it was mainly my niece. My sister was far too sensible, which is saying something, but Fiametta is only eighteen months old and still ready to be led astray by her aunt Wilma. Mum called us back when it looked as though I was going to lead Fiametta off into the woods. Mum can be such a spoilsport. Then I found a particularly tasty clump of manure instead, so I wasn’t too disappointed.

Twice in one day
I just love going up Wilma’s mountain and it’s been one of those lovely weeks when I’ve been able to go on our walk twice in one day on more than one occasion. There was only me in the afternoon. When I say only me, of course I took Mum and her friend, but I was the only dog. I was hoping my friend Berry would be able to come, but she couldn’t this time which was a shame.
Today’s plans
I’m ready to go out already. Mum says we are going up my mountain for sunrise. I’ve never done that before so it will be fun. Then I have to go to the vet to get my passport stamped for when I go home. I need to make sure I get all the right stamps this time. I don’t want another problem when I check in. After that I’m not really sure what the plan is. We were going to a hat shop, but everything has changed. I wasn’t actually going to the shop itself you understand. I do not need a hat. It was Mum that was going to get a hat. Mum has said that if I’m really good I can help her do some cleaning, but being honest I’d rather try on hats!