Quiet Day

Yesterday was a quiet day – quiet but good. It was a catch up sort of a day. We had to take my human aunt to catch a train first. Mum thinks it might be holiday time here as there wasn’t nearly as much traffic as she was expecting. It was a good job as there was something she needed to do before we went out and having got herself all ready – she realised she’d forgotten we were an hour on from the UK and so she’d got the wrong time. It’s a good job we only travel one time zone as she gets confused very easily!
Walk time

Anyway, after that she went and did some work before we went up my mountain to meet my friends Falk and Megan. Megan was much nicer to me without the others around and we had quite a good run. She is quite old now, so I did most of the running for her as well. Falk said he wasn’t feeling too good, so would we mind not going quite so far. He has a vet visit today so we hope he gets on ok.
Mum took me out again later when it was sunnier. It’s not so much fun without my friends but I still had a good time.

We’ve been having a problem with mosquitoes. Ok, being honest, my problem is not the mosquitoes themselves. My problem is Mum leaping out of bed to kill them. After a while she made me so jumpy that I walked out. I would not go in the bedroom until she promised to behave nicely and I went to sit by the front door. In the end, when she thought she’d got the last one, she came and apologised and let me get into bed with her to calm down.
We did other boring stuff too like the shopping and some gardening. I’m concerned as Timmy the cat seems to like lying on our patio right outside the window. He waved, which really didn’t help especially as his housemate was sitting on the fence waving from the other direction. You can take being neighbourly too far!