Home Again
I’m home again and so very happy. Mum has told me we’ve got lots of fun plans of things to do. I can’t see her fitting much work in but that’s not something I’m going to worry about. We have already been up my mountain once, yesterday evening, where we met Dad. I bounced all over him. Then it was steak for tea. What a great day that made it. It made all the travelling well worthwhile. I’m going back up my mountain this morning and meeting my friends and family. I’m so excited. Then this afternoon I’m off to see one of my nephews and his humans. I’ve met him before but it will be the first time I’ve met his humans. They live in Germany. Mum’s excited about meeting them too.
Alfie’s Next Birthday
It will be Alfie’s birthday in only another month and Mum has had a lovely idea. She has booked another photo shoot for him as a surprise. She says she wants to recreate her favourite photo of the two of them together. The original was taken ten years ago, so she says it will be lovely to have a version of it showing how they’ve aged together. We’re just hoping he will be well enough to enjoy it. She rang him last night to see how he was doing and he’s fine, which made her happy to know. She’s been thinking about him a lot.
Yesterday’s Drive

The satnav took us a different route yesterday due to traffic. It was really very beautiful but wound around with lots of roundabouts, so Mum found it more tiring. She was pleased it still brought us back onto the motorway in time to stop at our favourite French service station. It’s got some really nice grassy bits where we can have a lovely long walk around. There are storks wandering around too, which is always fun.
Now off to have some fun