Subdued Excitement
Today is a day for subdued excitement. On the one paw, Mum and I are starting our journey to Switzerland to see Dad, my family and friends and enjoy ourselves. On the other paw it means leaving Alfie being looked after here and Mum isn’t very comfortable with all that. He says we’re not to worry and he will be fine until we get back, but of course Mum is worried. She’s taking him to the vet this morning as she’s found another lump and also wants to discuss what we can do to help his pain.
He is being stoic. He’s very good at that. However, we know from all the panting that it hurts. The panting is making him drink more. The tumour on his spine seems to be affecting his bladder control. You get the picture, but it’s certainly the most our kitchen floor has been mopped since, well, I guess since Ari was a puppy!
Visiting Family
You’re probably familiar with the pattern by now. Today we go to see my grandparents. Then Mum and I will set off early tomorrow to cross the Channel. In the sort of crazy way that only Mum can, before we go today she’s doing a radio interview about her new book. Why she has to plan to do everything at the same time I just don’t know, but it happens every time. Somebody needs to tell her, but I don’t really think anyone is brave enough. On the upside, it does mean she has planned lots of exciting things for us for next week, so I’m super excited about that. My human aunt is coming to stay. The one who came with Mum to Switzerland to collect me. It is going to be great to spend some time with her again now I’m an adult. We will be picking her up on Saturday after I’ve been with Mum and Dad to see the dogs going through their breeding test in Switzerland. I’m hoping to see some of my friends there too and maybe my Papa. Anyway, that’s enough from me for today.