Quiet days
Alfie has had a couple of quiet days. I don’t know if we’re more worried when he makes his presence felt or when he simply curls up quietly in his bed. It did mean that Mum was able to get on with more yesterday as the rest of us weren’t hyper too. Most of what we got on with was indoors as even I thought the amount of rain coming down was unreasonable. We’d all like to see summer back again, but when I said that to Alfie he just sighed and said he didn’t suppose he’d see another summer. I do hope we have some better weather for his sake if nothing else. He had some time enjoying the garden yesterday when the weather wasn’t quite so bad. He took the time to have a little snuffle round. Mum said he could stay out as long as he wanted to, even though it was still drizzling and she was getting wet.
Alfie’s Car
Alfie’s little car has gone off to have some work done on it. When it comes back, which won’t be for about four weeks, Mum is going to see if it’s possible to get his ramp up to the seat to allow him to get in and go for a top down drive. He says it would be lovely to have another chance to feel the wind in his fur. Mum says if it isn’t a warm day she might make him wear his dressing gown so he doesn’t get too cold.
National Poetry Day
Whilst I remember, make sure you are reading on Thursday, which is National Poetry Day as we have a special post for you all about a new book of dog poems and there is a chance for you to win a copy. Mum has been reading it to me and I have to say it’s really good, so I’m quite excited to be giving a copy away free. I think you’ll like it.