So far so good – Sunday 8th September 2019

So far so good

Well so far so good. Yesterday we had a very long day in the car. The roads weren’t too bad so Mum asked if I’d mind going further in the day than we originally intended to. Apparently it will mean we will get home earlier today and also give time to visit my grandparents on the way. How could I refuse? Actually, I’ll be honest, she bribed me with the offer of staying in a better hotel than normal and that sounded good to me.


It was really hard to say goodbye to Dad in the morning, but he’s promised it isn’t for long this time as he is coming home in only a couple of weeks. I was very relieved to hear it as no one gives me back scratches the way he does. Mind you, I will need to share him with the others, but I can cope with that. We left at about 8.30am and set off down the hill. Mum was very down so I didn’t say too much as I knew that would upset her. I just let her listen to her book and try not to think about things. Thankfully the warning light had not come back on which was good news. I’m still keeping my paws crossed though as I don’t want to tempt fate.


We drove all the way to Calais yesterday which is about 550 miles. That’s a very long way but with the toll roads it wasn’t too bad. We got to our hotel at around 7pm so there was still time to stretch my legs and have some recovery time before bed.

Now we are up and packed and ready to set off again. We will both have our breakfast before setting off but may well be in England by the time you read this.

