Happy Days
Oh what happy days. Yesterday I had another lovely walk with my family and friends on Wilma’s mountain. It is so beautiful up there and we didn’t get wet yesterday – well apart from me going in the stream, I did get a bit wet then. We ran and played and barked. Oh it was so wonderful. To be fair, I did most of the barking but a girl has to make her presence known. Falk was finding it harder going yesterday. He is so lovely and reminds me and Mum of Alfie. Obviously Mum took photos of the scenery and then I got her to take some of the all of us dogs. It really is the very best way to start the day.

Battling the hedge
Then we came back and I chilled out while Mum worked. She was alternating real work with getting some of the gardening done. Yesterday she went into battle against an overgrown hedge. She took half hour stints at it so that she didn’t get too fed up. Round one seemed to go to the hedge. Round two I think Mum came out on top, so it was all even going into the final round. It was then that Mum called for reinforcements and got the small steps from upstairs to join in her side. The two of them together were just about enough to win the final round. I just hope the other overgrown plants don’t take note and get together for their battles with her.

Lakeside walk
Our evening involved going down to the lake. Dad wanted to swim in the lake and as Mum didn’t I was given the choice of getting in or walking round the edge and sitting watching. It was a tough choice. Obviously the water looked huge fun, but I know I have to look after Mum so I stayed with her. She’s useless without me.
Today I’m going on a train up a mountain and I’m really excited about it. Mum says I mustn’t bark. Talk about a red rag to a noisy dog!