Visiting Friends
I had such a lovely day yesterday visiting friends. Leo was there, who I met last year so we already knew each other. There was a boy called Bailey too and I really quite liked him. Oh course seeing Woopie was nice and Mum had a lovely time giving her cuddles, but I really just wanted to play with the boys. It was so hot thought that we couldn’t run around all the time. I spent some of the time lying under the table at Mum’s feet, just in case she needed me. It’s a place I feel very at home. I stayed there for six weeks when I was a puppy and had a very happy time there. Mum loves the view and we both love seeing our human and doggy friends.

Driving over the Brunig
We drove over the Brunig Pass to get from there to our house. Mum put the route into the car’s sat nav and because it was slightly zoomed out the route looked like a small child had scribbled with a pen. It was so windy and seemed to go in full circles and squiggles. Thankfully it didn’t feel too bad travelling that way and it didn’t take us very long to do all the really windy bit. We drove past the lovely Ballenberg Museum and I asked if we could go back there. Mum has said she’ll see if we can do it next time we’re here. There are all the lovely old buildings from different parts of Switzerland as well as plenty of places I can walk and enjoy myself.
Seeing Dad
I was so happy to get to our house and see Dad. Mum made me go with her to the supermarket first. The car park is underground so I could wait there. We actually met Dad there, which was odd but planned by them of course. One of the best things about being at home here again is knowing which door to sit by when I’m ready for my bedtime biscuit. It’s the little things that mean so much to a dog.
Oh and before I forget – I do need to remember to wish Mum happy birthday. I’m glad I get to spend it with her and we’re going to our favourite place. Have fun.