Guarding Duties – Wednesday 28th August 2019

Guarding Duties

I’ve been on guarding duties. I was good, I didn’t bark, but I did feel the need to have a good look out of the hotel window to check all was well. We had a really good drive from France to Switzerland. I made sure to be looking out of the car window as we crossed into my homeland. It’s always good to come home. We got to our hotel early in the afternoon. Mum had said she’d stayed in the hotel before, but it turns out that it was with Shadow when she came to meet Max, the father of her fourth litter. She was actually staying here when I was born. It’s so funny because Mum can remember talking about my litter with Max’s human as she also has my papa too. Mum didn’t know I was going to come to live with her then.


I did ask if we could go to see Papa, but Mum said there wasn’t really time to get in touch with his human to see if they were free. It’s a shame as I’d have liked to get to know him better. We are going to see my sister Tosca today so I can’t really complain and then I will see Mama tomorrow. It’s fun being able to see my family so often. I’m a very lucky dog. Shadow hears from one of her brothers quite often and Alfie hears at intervals, but neither of them get to see them.

Showing me round

Mum did say she’d show me around the place we’re staying and go to the places she and Shadow went. There were just a couple of small problems with that idea. Firstly, it was far too hot and with the amount of traffic about we decided we may be better in a quiet hotel room. Secondly, the ice cream place she was going to take me to has gone. I don’t just mean the restaurant has changed hands, I mean the building has disappeared and is currently a big hole in the ground as part of the foundations for a much bigger building. Mum wasn’t expecting that. On the bright side, at least the building work at our hotel is completely finished and is very nice.

