New Pillow – Monday 26th August 2019

New Pillow

My new pillow has arrived in time for me to take with me. I love it. It’s got my name on and is so comfortable. Mum has promised to take a picture of me with it but she didn’t have time yesterday. I said as the others weren’t around could I have their presents too, but apparently that’s not ok. The one I really want is Shadow’s cow. I don’t think the lifting sling which Mum has bought for Alfie is really my thing. I might need it one day, but that will be a very long time away.

Being good

I’ve got to be really good today. We’re visiting my grandparents on the way and I don’t cope with their hearing aids. Mum has said I can’t stay in the car while we’re there as the weather is just too hot, so I’ve had to promise to be really good and not get too worried if the hearing aids make a noise. It’s just that it hurts my ears when it does, it’s not that I’m just being unreasonable. Well, ok, I may be being a little unreasonable, but I’m sure you’d do the same thing.

Exciting Plans

I’ve been trying to make plans for which of my dog friends I shall be able to see. Mum has said that I mustn’t get too carried away as she has to do quite a lot of work this week. Humans can be so boring. The good thing is that some of that work is outdoors, gardening rather than writing and I’m hoping that I shall be able to help with that. She has also said our plans will have to take account of how warm it is, which seems more reasonable. I’ve got a new cool mat as well as my cool coat, so I’m looking forward to trying that out.

Have a great Monday

