I didn’t feel like going swimming yesterday morning. My hip had seized up and everything felt like hard work. Of course, our Mistress told me that it would do me good and I said it wouldn’t. One of us was right and on this occasion it wasn’t me. My first lap of the pool I was holding my leg very stiffly and my back was a bit rolled over as a result. By my third circuit of the pool my hip was moving freely and I was able to stretch my leg out. It’s amazing how much good it does me. I’m glad our Mistress didn’t let me stay at home as I’d asked to.
On the other paw, Shadow had wanted to go swimming as she loves it, but because she was recovering from her gastro-enteritis she was made to stay at home. I’m pleased to say she is improving and hasn’t been sick again since the injection and medication she was given. She is still feeling a bit fragile but she hasn’t attacked me again so I’m guessing she feels a bit better.
New seat cover
The new seat cover for the car that we chose from the catalogue came yesterday before we went swimming. Our Mistress put it on and thought it was really good. Then Aristotle tried it out. He absolutely loves it. In fact he liked it so much he asked to stay in the car and not bother getting out. He wasn’t given that option. I must say we’re all very impressed with it and it should help to keep the car a bit cleaner as well as being very nice for us to sit on.
The rest of our order hasn’t arrived yet so we’re all feeling a bit impatient. The seat cover did make me feel a bit sad that I can’t travel on the back seat anymore. I did like being that much closer to our Mistress. Given I can’t get up to the seat and the ramp won’t go to the doorway then it’s not an option. Oh well. My loss is Aristotle’s gain.
Have a great Wednesday