Friday Flashback – Friday 16th August 2019

Friday Flashback

Normally with Friday flashback I just look at the same date from years ago. Today Alfie has asked me to do something a little bit different. He’s asked if I can look back to find out about him and his buddy Elvis when they were young. How could I refuse. Elvis is now 15 ¼ and Alfie is 13 ¾ so it’s a long time since they were both young. The first thing I found was from 31st July 2006.

First meeting.

I made a new friend last week but as with all these things he has now gone away so I won’t see him for a while. His name is Elvis which has already led to my master trying to make wisecrack jokes that no one got until he explained them. I always find if you have to explain a joke it may not really have worked.

Anyway Elvis is quite small but has bundles of energy. He is as soft as I am so we can roll around and tumble without either of us thinking it is about who is in charge. It always confuses me when I am having a simple game and then I find out that to the dog I am playing with it is something else completely and he is really trying to prove he is boss. It would be so much easier if the other dogs told me that at the start as I would just roll over and save them all the bother.

Down the Road

Anyway, Elvis is really fun and as he lives near here I think it might be possible for him to come round sometimes. Once we had worn ourselves out and were having a chat it turned out that he had the same problem as me of only having one testicle and had to have the operation I will need to have. He came through it ok which is a relief and goes to the same vet which is even better.

My master said perhaps we should change vet but I said the problem wasn’t the vets fault. He did know that really. Elvis had to have a funny collar thing on for a while to stop him taking his stitches out. He was saying he used to forget he had it on and run into things and get a bit of a shock. Apparently eventually he ran into the garage and it fell off but by then he was healing so it didn’t matter so much. I am not sure I really want to wear one of those collars, do you think if I promised not to take my stitches out I would be allowed not to?

Oh this is so lovely. I’m starting to understand why Alfie misses him. This is from 21st April 2007

A little rug

I’m guessing all had been forgiven by the afternoon as my best friend, Elvis, came round to play in the afternoon on the way back from his walk. He has been finding the weather really much too hot as his hair needs cutting. It’s funny, he can barely see through his fringe. He looks like a little rug when he sits down to rest, the only way you can tell which end his head is, if you are a human, is by the little pink tongue hanging out. Obviously if you are a dog you can sniff to find which end is which. Once he was lying down I could just nuzzle up to him, which is almost as good as running round. I think I would like to have a playmate like Elvis all the time.

Sadly that’s all I can cover today, but it’s made me want to meet Elvis too!

Have a great Friday

