Birthday Plans
Mum is making her birthday plans. Every so often she gets her priorities right. “What shall we do for my birthday, Wilma?” The fact she was asking me was a good starting point. I thought the answer was fairly obvious, but I spelt it out to her anyway. “Go to our favourite place in all the world and eat ice cream.” Obviously, I mean we should have a walk first and include Dad. Now you’re not going to believe me, but she actually totally agreed with me. She did say she was really sad that it will mean leaving Alfie out of the plans and I can see how hard that is for her. It’s just a shame that he really isn’t up to going with us as it would be so lovely to take him. It’s another couple of weeks before all that will happen but I’m looking forward to it already. I just hope the weather is nice – more for her sake than mine, Frankly, I’m just as happy in the rain.
Nearly over
My enforced separation from Mum is nearly over. It’s a good job there is only once a year we have to be apart for this long. I don’t know how the others manage it when Mum and I go away together. I’m just not built for being apart from her. I do enjoy playing with the others, but I get my strength and confidence from being close to Mum and she gets hers by being close to me. In general we like to stay in touching distance. Actually, not so much in touching distance as actually touching. Being able to feel the other one there really does make all the difference. Alfie says he used to be like that, but he’s grown to like his own space over the years. I can’t imagine every getting to that point. Shadow has always liked her own space. She’s more of a cat than a dog. Ari just sighed and said he’d like what I’ve got, which made me feel a bit sad for him.
Have a great Thursday