Thirteen and three-quarters
Yesterday was my thirteen and three-quarters birthday. I know it doesn’t trip off the tongue, but I still think it’s a bit of a cause for celebration. I’m doing ok. I’m hanging in there. One by one parts of me are stopping working, but so far more parts work than don’t. There will come a time when that balance switches round, but for now I’m celebrating and making most of the time I do have. Obviously, I’d have liked to spend the day with our Mistress, but sadly that wasn’t the case. She has promised to have a little celebration with me as soon as we are back together.
The importance of spelling
Yesterday our Mistress was talking to someone about naming dogs after literary greats. In this case, they weren’t talking about me, but people like Shakespeare. Our Mistress set out to do that with each of Shadow’s litters. One puppy was always named after great artists, be they from the world of writing or music. With the A litter, it was of course our Aristotle. Writer and philosopher. With the B litter it was Beethoven, musician. The D litter was a great character D’Artagnan. Things went a bit wrong with the C litter. Of course there was the great character Cinderella but there was also supposed to be a great Russian Playwright – Chekhov. The problem was that when our Mistress filled in the forms she missed out the ‘h’ and put Chekov, which actually left him as a character from Star Trek!
Sharing with Shadow
One of the best things about sharing with Shadow is looking at her and thinking I haven’t gone as grey as she has. Of course it does make her look distinguished and she is the one who has gone through having 22 puppies, so she can probably justify going grey. However, I do rather like the fact I look younger than I am.

Have a great day
Happy 13 3/4’s birthday, Alfie. What a grand age!!! Old age seems to be a tough time in our lives. I guess that’s part of life but sometimes it can be a tough one to handle. Some people call it the Golden Years! I don’t know about that!
Next it will be 14 for you, Grand Old Man!!!!! Happy Birthday!
Olie, ArCHI and em!
Thank you – I’m building up to 14 slowly. It takes me a while to do anything these days, but on the bright side our Mistress has promised big celebrations if I make it that far. I think at that point she says I can eat whatever I want and I’ve got plans, as long as my teeth hold out!