No deal preparations
Why is a dog talking to you about ‘no deal preparations’? Well, I thought one of us should point out to you humans that you need to be thinking about us as well. I know we told you all the things you might need to do in order to be able to travel after 31st October and it really is starting to look as though all that is essential. We’ll remind you of those things nearer the time, but do nudge your humans into action if they haven’t thought about it yet. It will be no good if you have your holidays planned and then they can’t take you because they haven’t followed all the correct procedures. And it could all go very wrong if they manage to take you, but then can’t bring you home again.
What else to think about?
We have the same issues to consider as humans, so you might want to be prepared. Not all of your dog food is made in this country or even comes from suppliers in this country. It may also be made with ingredients which will be harder to get here, particularly if it is made with fresh produce not grown here. It’s no good eating your last biscuit on the 31st October and expecting a next day delivery for 1st of November if it’s coming from overseas. Oh there may be alternatives you could eat, but do remember if you change food suddenly you may have an upset tummy to contend with. The best thing to do would be to encourage your human to keep just a bit extra in and not run supplies down too low to be on the safe side. The same may be even more true if you are on any long term medication. It’s better to prepared than to find you hit a Brexit crisis. You can be sure that cats will have this covered, so you dogs need to get in line and make sure you aren’t left behind.
Of course, we’re still hoping the whole problem goes away, but it’s not looking good.