Friday Flashback – Friday 9th August 2019

Friday Flashback

It’s Friday Flashback again and I’ve been delving into the archive.

Oh this made me chuckle from 2008. In those days Alfie was water-phobic, so the thought of him going on a boating holiday is definitely a surprise. Apparently he wouldn’t even get on or off the main boat if he could see water between the boat and the shore.

They must be joking

We have a dinghy with the boat. It’s small, near the water and I for one have no intention of setting paw in it. It has a sail, at the request of my Master, and oars, at the request of my Mistress. I liked my Mistress’s way of thinking when she said that there was no way she was going in anything that had the risk of capsizing. My Master said there was almost no risk. If only he hadn’t used the word ‘almost’ in that sentence it would have been all right. As it I,s I am not going anywhere near it. Secretly my Mistress is rather pleased as it gives her an excuse to say ‘I can’t leave Alfie on his own.’ Quite right too with this amount of water about, Alfie doesn’t want to be left on his own!


We are in the middle of nowhere and in the next few days we need to know exactly which bit of nowhere we are in, as some friends are meeting up with us. If the battery hadn’t died and in fact the whole thing stopped working, we could use my GPS to get an exact location. Mind you for that we’d need an internet connection as well so I suppose we are stumped on that front. Perhaps if we could just get it working again we could tell our friends to go onto the internet and they could track our location according to where I am positioned. It sounds quite exciting until you realise that my privacy has been completely invaded by having to wear this thing round my neck.

Then I found this from 2011 when our Mistress was able to go and collect Shadow from Switzerland after her microchip had failed. Thank goodness it all turned out all right.

On Tenterhooks

I am on tenterhooks. I am biting my claws and waiting to hear whether my Mistress and Shadow have successfully checked in at Calais. The plan is to make sure they travel during the working hours of the DEFRA helpline just in case there is any query. Even when we used to travel over to England from Belgium on a regular basis my Mistress used to worry that my paperwork wouldn’t be in order or my chip wouldn’t be able to be read. As I lived in Belgium, the worst that could happen was that we would have to go home. From now on she is going to be a very nervous traveller when it comes to checking us dogs in for our journeys. It’s no good reminding her that it is only about 1 in 10,000 chips that ever fail and most of those won’t fail while you are travelling.

Shadow with Ari’s dad Rino before her chip failed on the return trip

It’s like most of the things one worries about. The actual worry becomes disproportionate to the likely problem. Today though, she is quite at liberty to worry. We are all worrying. As it turns out, it’s only been 3 ½ weeks since they originally set off for Switzerland, but with everything that has happened in that time it feels an awful lot longer. We are looking forward to life starting to return to normal, if a life that may involve the arrival of a litter of little fluffy bundles can ever be described as normal.

Well that really is more than enough for one Friday so I’m going to have a lie down. Oh I forgot to tell you, we’re seeing Cinders later and just can’t wait.

Have a great Friday

