Good girl
Apparently I’m a good girl. Mum was so pleased with me for not misbehaving at the hotel and for my behaviour on the way home. She says I was the model dog, which I don’t think is the same as being a model but I’m happy to take the praise. On the way home we stopped off to see my grandparents and before we did that Mum took me for a walk along a local bridleway. There were absolutely loads of dogs about and I just politely said ‘hello’ to each of them with a sniff or a wag as appropriate and didn’t bark once. In fact, now I come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve so much as woofed since Mum and Dad tried to walk me around the lake near where we live and I had an argument with a bull dog. Well, he looked at me funnily, so what do they expect?

You would not believe how many cobwebs seem to have gathered while we were away. To be fair I was as surprised by the dead pigeon which looked like it had not died of natural causes, judging by the way it was distributed. I need to guard our patch against predators it seems. Today is mostly a catch up day. I’m looking forward to this afternoon when Mum will go to collect the rest of the family. I have so much to tell them. Mum has said it’s a bit mean to tell them all about my adventures but I’m not going to let that small matter stand in my way.
No car
I have said I don’t want to go in the car today – not at all, not even a little bit. Mum has to go out for a while, but I’m staying here then. She has said for my walk we can go from the house so that I don’t have to set paw in the car.