We’re both finding the journey home quite stressful for one reason or another. Mum’s head is not feeling great, which doesn’t make driving much fun. Because it’s too hot I can’t be left in the car for her to have any breaks without me. We only stop under the canopies of petrol stations while she gets fuel and so she doesn’t get chance to use most of the service station. We have little walks around the car park, but that’s not much fun for either of us. Then there was last night’s hotel. Oh boy was that one a mistake. It’s right near a very busy road and I’m really not a fan of traffic. Then there were the people! It was a big hotel that does conferences and there were people everywhere. And I really do mean everywhere. I’ve never known Mum really beg me not to misbehave in a hotel before, but I could really see why she was asking.
Just want to get home
We did discuss whether it was practical to get back in the car and drive to my grandparent’s house last night, but Mum said she really couldn’t drive any further. We’re going there today and then home to Yorkshire. I am so looking forward to running around our back garden at home and letting my fur down. I really wish there was a way to get from one place to the other without it taking us quite so long. It’s not so bad in the cold weather – although then I suppose the traffic can be worse, or at least it is if it’s wet.
My lead
There’s this thing we do with my lead where Mum clips one end to my harness and one to my collar. She says it’s extra safety in busy areas in case I pull out of one or the other. Anyway, when she does that I know I have to walk by her side and keep watching her for instructions. It helps me not to worry about everything else going on around me. She talks to me constantly when we’re like that and I keep my ears pricked to make sure I hear every word. Usually we only do it in towns or at the train station, but we did that in the hotel yesterday and it definitely helped.