Heading home
Well I’m heading home and feeling blue. Neither me nor Mum wanted to say goodbye to dad. We’ve had such a lovely time that Mum keeps saying she just wants to turn the car around and go back again. Now we’re just going to have to count down the day until we can go back. Thankfully if everything goes to plan it will be very soon.

Lovely Day
We had such a lovely day yesterday visiting friends and family in Aeschi. It was wonderful to just sit outside for a few hours and catch up on everything that has been going on since I was last there. I feel so at home there still. I spent some of my puppyhood growing up there so it really does still feel like home. Then we started our journey back. Mum said she had not realised yesterday’s journey would be quite so far. We were both ready to get out of the car when we arrived. It was really hot again so we hadn’t been able to do much stopping on the way.

Getting confused
It’s so easy to get confused when we’re travelling. We try to stay in the same hotels so I know what’s what. The problem is that they will insist on putting us in different rooms and then I go and queue outside the wrong room waiting to be let in. I guess the people in the room I go to might be a bit surprised to find a dog waiting outside the door. I’ve suggested to Mum she ought to ask for the same room each time, but I don’t think she’s that organised. Actually, I think she’s worried that the hotels would start to think she was odd if she said that her beloved dog liked to be in the same room each time.