Swiss National Day
Today is the Swiss National Day. The good part is that it means it’s a Bank Holiday and Dad doesn’t have to go to work. Sadly, we have to start our journey back to England later today so it also means we have to say goodbye. Last night lots of people had fireworks, but I went to see Mama, my sister Valeria and the puppies so it was nice and quiet, except for Mama barking at us. We’re going to see my sister Tosca today, which will be lovely too. There is a parade in the place she lives but I don’t think we’ll get the chance to go to that unfortunately. I’m really sorry that I shan’t still be around tonight as there are beacons lit on a top of the peaks and it would be so lovely to go up my little mountain to see them. I told Dad about them but he said it wouldn’t be the same without us.

Yesterday’s walk
We didn’t spend all day out for a long walk yesterday. Unfortunately there was some work that Mum had to do and it was urgent. I really think humans miss out on so much by this work thing they do. We did set out to do the circuit around by our house instead, but we came to where they were muck spreading so decided to go the other way. We’d never been in that direction so it was interesting to see if there was anything there we might have been missing. There wasn’t!

The Journey Home
The journey home won’t be quite as bad as normal as we’re having a couple of stops to see family and friends along the way. That does make it all seem so much nicer. If things go to plan we’ll be back here in Switzerland in only a few weeks anyway, so it won’t feel too bad I hope. I have to look after Mum as she always feels really sad to be going.