Puppy News Flash
I’m interrupting my holiday reporting to bring you a puppy news flash. My niece, Sybil, gave birth to seven puppies yesterday. Five girls and two boys. We want to send her and all the puppies our very best wishes and tell her how proud we are of her. It is wonderful news and we really hope they all do well. We’re looking forward to seeing all the pictures.
Hot Under Paw

Meanwhile I found the day very hot under paw yesterday. We went to a nearby town for a walk round and walked up to the castle museum to get a view over the town. What is it with humans and towns? I voted to walk by the river and, with hindsight, Mum said I was probably right. Thankfully we found some water fountains I could drink from and then when we got back down to the bottom we stopped for a drink and my first ice cream of the holiday.
It was a good job that Mum bought the ice cream for me, as the water she’d got was fizzy. I have to say when I took my first mouthful, I just spat it everywhere. She said that to be fair, she’d have done much the same. She was very apologetic. We were near the car so she went and got me a proper drink from the car before we moved off.
Worn out
We walked quite a long way and with the heat as well I was worn out by the time we got back. Mum could tell how tired I was because I didn’t even bother her for my tea early, as I normally do.
We went the wrong way on the way back, but as it happened we saw a lovely place that we said we’d go to today. This one seems to have more trees, so I’m hoping to stay off the hot pavements.
Have a great day
CONGRATULATIONS to Sybil and all her family on the safe arrival of the puppies. We are so pleased and send lots of love to you all. Dickens and the gang XXXXXXXXX
Thanks, Dickens, we’ve passed it on. They are all doing well this morning.