Friday flashback
It’s Friday flashback again and as I’m going to spend most of today in the car that will definitely be the more interesting thing to talk about.
How about this from 2011. This was when Aristotle was just a twinkle in Shadow’s eye.
Going to meet the stud dog
Shadow has arrived in Switzerland. She has a rest day today before going to meet the stud dog and she is getting very nervous. She is excited too and just hopes she likes him. I glazed over a little when she started telling me the sorts of things she and Megan have been discussing. It has reached the stage of wanting to discuss girly things, like how to do her hair and whether he would think she looked nice. I tried to explain that none of that was likely to be the first thing on his mind, but the girls said I was just being mean. They don’t understand boys at all. We aren’t the nice creatures that girls have us down for. Romance, and getting to know each other aren’t that high on our agenda. We just smell those pheromones and our brains become like jelly.
Then Alfie was all excited the following year. This is from 2012.
A RuckSack with My Name
Never mind the fact that I have a free six weeks supply of a joint care product that is also very tasty from the lovely people at Pedigree Pet Foods, that is just incidental to the beautiful yellow rucksack with my name embroidered on it. To be fair, it is a human rucksack and I am having difficulty putting it on, but that is not the point. I’d much rather my Mistress carried everything for me than have to do it myself anyway. I’ve got a ball thrower and some balls too and a I’m not sharing them with the others. They are mine, all mine and I’m a very happy dog. I’m slightly alarmed by the fact that I am going to be videoed playing ball. I may have to suck my tummy in for the photos but then we all know the camera adds 10 pounds so I’m sure allowances will be made. My Mistress said she’d read all the paperwork to me later and then we can make a start. I’m really rather excited.
The delivery man didn’t know whether he should ask for me in dogson when he came to the door, seeing as the parcel was technically addressed to me. I did offer to sign but he didn’t seem to know how to react to that. I think he was worried he might be in trouble back at the depot. Some people don’t know how to let their hair down and live a little.
Right well I’m off to have a sleep in the car.
Have a lovely Friday