Regrets – Saturday 13th July 2019


I have regrets. Mainly, they are the large number of things I ate in the garden yesterday afternoon. Sadly, I returned them all and my tea. Being a dog, I did my best to re-eat my tea, but that just grossed our Mistress out completely. You’d think she had got used to that one by now. I don’t know which particular plant led to me feeling ill. I didn’t keep an absolute list. It was one of those balmy afternoons where you graze your way around the garden without thinking too much about it. I think one of the plants must have been off, so it’s probably as well that it’s not growing anymore. I was a bit quiet afterwards, but I’m sure by later today I will be back to having a nibble or two as I wander round.

Shadow’s brother

Shadow had some good news yesterday. Her brother who we thought had cancer turns out to have had a particularly bad abscess and has been recovering well. He’s back to barking at full volume and if it’s half as loud as Shadow then he’s very noisy. He’s my uncle so I sometimes wish I could see him, but sadly he doesn’t live in this country anymore. We’re all really pleased that he’s doing well though.

Missing out

Once again the dogs of the house are missing out. Our Mistress is going to Pimms and Strawberries on the village green. We are not invited. Ok, so I don’t drink Pimms, but I can eat strawberries as well as the next dog and it would have been nice to be asked. Not even Wilma is going. We’re supposed to stay here and twiddle our paws. I wonder if our Mistress will bring any home for us. Not the Pimms you understand – she definitely won’t bring any of that home for us, but a strawberry or two would be nice. I’ll skip the cream and sugar as I’m watching my waistline, but the fruit would be ok.

Have a great Saturday
