Friday Flashback
Where would I be without Friday Flashback? Anyway, I’ve been looking back to find out what I’ve missed out on and what I’ve forgotten. To be honest, I don’t forget much but Mum often needs reminding, so here goes.
This was Alfie’s take on the Fun Day we had 8 years ago in 2011.
Why Return a Ball?
Sunday’s Entlebucher fun day was amazing. The most exciting bit was meeting Apple the Appenzeller. I’ve never played with an Appenzeller before she was really rather lovely. It was good to see some of my old friends too. Guapo hasn’t been so well, but he’s recovering. He hasn’t been so ill that he can’t beat me at biscuit catch which is the game I thought I was good at until I watched him. He’s a master. I’ve asked if we can practice more at home, but my Mistress said I’ve have to stop being so lazy first, otherwise I’ll put on weight.
The girls ran round all day. I find it incredible how long some dogs will simply go after a ball. There comes a point where you really should be turning round to your human and saying ‘Will you stop being so stupid. If you lose it one more time I am not going to go and bring it back for you and it will all end in tears!’
Then the following year it turns out that Aunty Megan used to be naughty too! This is from 2012
Megan in the Dog House
She says it is not her fault. She says that she was driven to it. I think she is pleading temporary insanity and I have to say she may well have a point. Firstly she has been stuck indoors for ages. Secondly she has bandage glued to her paw with more plaster than is reasonable. Thirdly she has had to wear a pink boot and finally she has been forced to listen to an incessant loop of dreadful music on a computer game that was left on when Andy went to school. My Mistress says that the music alone would be enough to make her go mad, but the thing is Megan has chewed off her pink boot. She’s done it in a way that no one is ever going to be able to wear it ever again. The pink boot has gone to the place in the sky known as pink boot heaven, where together with pink wellingtons and other such dreadful footwear it can be pink to its heart’s content.
Megan is bootless. It did come as a pair, so there is still one in the cupboard but when she gets a liking for chewing something there is a risk she isn’t going to stop at one. My Mistress has said she will leave the paw unwrapped for a few hours to see how Megan does. She can’t afford to hurt it again as if it doesn’t heal she may end up losing the toe.
Well that’s all from me. I’m a bit tired from my day in day care yesterday so I’m going to lounge around with my paws up