Off to the vet
I’m off to the vet this morning. Our Mistress has decided that my impersonations of Bambi are far from normal. If I’d only done it the once she would not have been too alarmed, but I’ve done it repeatedly and that has left her worried. I’ve done it going upstairs as well as downstairs so have needed quite a lot of help. Our Mistress has given me a bit of an examination and concluded there is something going on around my right shoulder. It may just be another fatty lump and may not be connected with my legs. Well, obviously, my shoulder is connected with my legs. I wouldn’t be able to walk if it wasn’t! What that all means is I’m going to see our lovely vet and talk it through and see if she can tell me what’s the problem.
Charity diet
The diet that Wilma and our Mistress are on and trying to raise some money for our Club rescue funds is going well. Our Mistress is being a lot stricter about what she eats than Wilma is. Wilma accepts the special diet she’s on then goes around the garden supplementing her diet with anything else she can find. I think they may either need to start working more closely together on this one or discussing with their sponsors if it’s ok for just one of them to lose all the weight and the other one not to bother! Perhaps I should take Wilma with me to the vet so she can weigh herself and see how she’s doing.
Wilma’s niece, Sybil, is going to have puppies in another three weeks. We’re all quite excited about it. Wilma is also excited as her sister will be having puppies even sooner and, as long as everything goes to plan, Wilma will be going to see them when she goes to Switzerland. It almost made me wish I could go too, but I guess I’ll just have to look at the photographs.
Have a good Wednesday