Friday Flashback
Well I’m here with Friday Flashback once again. Isn’t it nice now the sun is shining? It makes the whole day seem much more fun. Anyway, here goes. Let’s start with Shadow as a puppy after she’d had a few days in kennels! This is from ten years ago in 2009
Happy to be home
To describe Shadow’s homecoming as enthusiastic would be putting it mildly. She bounced all over my Mistress and managed to cut my Mistress’s arm quite badly with her claws. When she got home, she ran round like a mad thing, while I just quietly snuggled up and said how much I’d missed my Mistress. Shadow then excelled herself by peeing on the lounge carpet. I think it’s safe to say that whilst she has enjoyed being in kennels, she prefers to be at home with her humans just the same as me.
Oh dear this really did make me laugh from the following year when Shadow was in season. Poor Alfie, I don’t think he ever really recovered from what happened in 2010
An Incident
I tried just a little bit too hard to mount Shadow and I got my bits in a bit of a pickle. Our very nice vet thinks I’d got some of the hairs on crucial parts caught where they shouldn’t be and it was that which was causing the pain. I couldn’t even put four paws on the floor at the same time. I won’t go into all the details else my blog would get blocked as being pornographic but I will say that it left me completely traumatised and not in any hurry to repeat the experience. After that I wouldn’t leave my Mistress’s side. Where she went, I went – even when she went to the bathroom. I think I was terrified that Shadow would come looking for me again and that my male urges would take over. I am now fully supportive of my Mistress’s suggestion of a policy of segregation at crucial times. I am quite happy to be segregated anywhere as long as I can have my Mistress for company. I will even volunteer to be the one getting in the crate if it protects me from a repeat of the indignity and pain of this weekend.
I was going to stop there but then I found this from 2014. When I read it out to her Mum groaned as it did all happen much as Alfie feared, but I’ll tell you a bit more after you read it.
An Odd Christmas
Shadow decided that Thursday, yesterday and today were her prime times to mate this season. She isn’t mating this season, despite her best endeavours to distract me from whatever I was doing. However, all being well she will mate in six months’ time. If her season is in exactly 26 weeks, that means Christmas Day, Boxing Day and the one after will be the days she wants to do the deed. You can see it now, the stud dog owners cooking the turkey while their dog and Shadow get up to mischief in the snow outside. They may of course not eat turkey at Christmas in Switzerland, which would be a big disappointment to my Mistress who would happily eat it all year round.
Anyway, apparently that was the Christmas that Shadow tried to mate with my Papa, Rolex, but he wasn’t interested in her. Then Mum walked into the edge of an overhanging roof and gave herself concussion and the car broke down at minus seventeen degrees! By the sound of it she won’t forget that trip in a hurry!

Have a great Friday