All Going Well – Wednesday 22nd May 2019

All going well

I am delighted to say that all is going well. Grandpa is coming along nicely, so our Mistress can come home to us all again. When I say to all of us, only Wilma is actually going home at the moment. Originally our Mistress and Wilma were having a few days out together to cheer Wilma up for the fact she is missing another trip to Switzerland next week. Now although our Mistress would like to see all of us, she needs to be able to do some day trips to see Grandpa so Wilma might not be getting quite the days out she was expecting. I haven’t the heart to tell her that bit seeing as she has made a little list of where she wants to go. She’s planning a day at the beach for one of the days. I hope she can still have that one as she was quite excited about it.

Waiting for news

We are still waiting to hear when Sybil is going to see Eiger, but she’s probably about ready she says. It’s really exciting, although obviously now that I write it down that sounds a bit voyeuristic! We’re not all going to be watching or anything, but we will be waiting for news from the pair of them, which does sound almost as bad!


The funniest bit if our Mistress and Wilma have any days out now is that they are both on diets. If they do go to the beach, there aren’t going to be any ice creams! Not for either of them. Our Mistress is now counting every calorie she consumes, which may be seen as a good thing, but she develops a tendency of going round saying to people ‘Do you have any idea how many calories there are in that?’ Which can put even the thinnest person, or dog, off his food! I shall look forward to the overeating phase that is bound to follow the slimming phase.

Have a good Wednesday
