Oh I wish I’d looked after my teeth – Tuesday 7th May 2019

Oh I wish I’d looked after my teeth

Oh I wish I’d looked after my teeth! In this instance I’m not about to start reciting the Pam Ayres poem that our Mistress quite likes. I’m genuinely regretting that I have not looked after my teeth better. Listen up you young pups. You just don’t know how long your teeth are going to have to last you. There was me thinking that they’d always be with me, but it does rather seem as though I’m in the process of outliving them. Our Mistress is going to ring the vet to make an appointment for me. My gums are really a bit sore and much as she tried to get a toothbrush on them I simply would not cooperate. She says I’ve got bad breath too, which I find a little rude of her.

It’s not that I’ve spent my life eating sugary snacks or had fizzy drinks. I’ve been quite a good dog when it comes to diet. It just seems that teeth need cleaning more than I’ve actually been doing. It turns out there may be a lesson in this for all of us.

Thinking time

Our Mistress said she needed some time out yesterday to do some thinking. She chose to do it outside on the new seat and Aristotle went to join her. He said he’s good at thinking. It was fine for the first five minutes. Then Aristotle heard a horse going past so went to the gate to shout hello. No sooner had he settled down again than it started raining on them. That rather brought the whole idea to an end. I think if it’s fine they might try again today after swimming.

Wilma fed up with the rain

Aristotle’s in a bad mood

Ari is not happy. His tag on his collar broke last week and our Mistress has had to order a new one. In the meantime, as she did not want him to be without she has put the one from Wilma’s ‘best’ collar on it. Wilma is the only member of the family who has a best collar, she’s a very spoilt girl. Anyway, she’s fine about Ari borrowing it, but he his not happy to be going round with the name ‘Wilma’ on his collar!

Have a great Tuesday

Love Alfie