Wonderful Day – Saturday 20th April 2019

Wonderful Day

We all had such a wonderful day yesterday. The sun was shining and our master and mistress decided to spend loads of time outdoors with us. We all enjoyed it. I can’t bring you all the pictures or we’d be here all day and besides I’m guessing Wilma and Alfie will bring you some too. I had a lovely time sitting on the seat with our Master and then helping our Mistress get the garden furniture out. It was all so lovely that she has promised to start working outside so we can spend more time out there when we aren’t going for walks. She didn’t really end up working from the summerhouse last year but has said that she will sort it all out now so that she can.

Alfie eating the garden

Alfie had a nice time for a while eating the garden. Our Mistress gave him some seaweed when he went inside so hopefully he’ll leave the grass outside for a day or two. He must have been really enjoying himself as he stayed outside for about half an hour before getting a bit agitated and wanting to go in again.

Today’s plans

Well today’s plans are more of the same really. As long as the weather stays like this we’re all happy about the possibility. We don’t drink coffee or get the ice creams, that’s just the humans. For an odd reason they don’t seem to think we need to have caffeine. There is some sort of suggestion that we have enough energy without any help, but I can’t think why! I also think they are out of order buying ice creams that have chocolate in. We like ice cream, but we aren’t allowed to have chocolate. Humans can be so mean.

Have a great Saturday, we certainly plan to




  1. Frohe Ostertage wünschen aus der Schweiz
    Maja und Fritz mit Whoopy vom Kornried, Tosca vom Rickental, Beija – Flor aus Welliehausen, Fenja vomKornried und die Gasthunde Santos – Leo von der Auenrüti, Bro vom Kornried, Erla-Ella vom Kornried und die King Charles Spaniel Buono und Beilay sowie der Chihuauwa Gucci und der Indische Nackthund Nanuk

    • Oh so many dogs. A very happy Easter to all of you. Wilma says she wishes she were there with you and would have loved to play with everyone.
      With love from me, Shadow, Aristotle, Wilma and our humans.

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