Rickental Girls Rock – Saturday 9th March 2019

Rickental Girls Rock

It’s official, Rickental girls rock! There was Mum saying that I mustn’t expect to do very well in the show ring yesterday. Oh ye of little faith! I thought ‘I’ll show her’ and I did. I won my class, which she really didn’t expect to happen and went on to be Reserve Best Bitch. I’m now the proud owner of two more lovely rosettes and a very proud Mum. It was even better as my niece, Sybil, won Best Bitch. Mama and Valeria will be so proud of us. It will mean I automatically qualify for next year, so I can’t retire from showing just yet.

Discover Dogs

I had already had a lovely morning looking after our Discover Dogs stand. It was just me on the stand yesterday morning so I had to work really really hard. I was very good and behaved myself perfectly. Mum was busy talking to people she knew who had come to the show so I had to do most of the talking about the breed for her. Once I had finished my time we went for a walk outside, but it was really quite cold and miserable if you didn’t keep moving. We couldn’t go too far away as we had to be ready for the show ring.

Rest time

Mum bought me a new blanket so I could curl up and have a rest before I had to go into the ring. It was purple so we were both happy. It matches my harness and of course is Mum’s favourite colour. I did have a couple of times where I had a bit of a barking frenzy to let off steam. Mum asked if I could find a different way of doing it, but is seems I can’t.

Then we had the long drive home, which meant we were both tired and want a bit of a rest this morning. Mum says she will take me for a special walk too as I’ve worked so hard. I just need to decide where I want to go. I said my mountain, but apparently it has to be around here and not in Switzerland so I need to rethink.




  1. Congratulations Wilma and to your niece Sybil. I bet Alfie is proud of you too. Happy weekend to you all. xxxxx

  2. Congratulations Wilma and Sybil too ! We are really pleased for you and of course your mistress who deseverse a a big pat pat on the back for helping you to achieve those beautiful rosettes. Have a lovely day xx

    • Thanks Bernie – we really must see each other soon. I need someone to chase.
      Have fun

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