Difficult Days – Wednesday 20th February 2019

Difficult Days

Today is one of those difficult days. The older I get the harder it becomes to part from my Mistress even for a short time. I know I’m going to see her again in just a couple of weeks and I’m in good health at the moment, so there’s no real reason to be concerned, but we both get a bit emotional over these farewells. I even had her asking me if I was sure I wouldn’t like to travel with them too. Part of me would but it’s not that simple. Quite apart from my passport not being up to date, I wouldn’t cope with some of the things it would mean me doing. I didn’t cope last time we travelled, which is why I didn’t renew my passport and that was over three years ago. Shadow has promised to take good care of me and Aristotle while the others are away. And I’ll do my best to look after Shadow in return.

Lovely swim

I’d had a few bad days with my dementia, but then yesterday was a good day and I did have such a lovely swim. It makes a big difference to me when I’m feeling ok and feel part of what is happening. I was happy to kick my legs out and have a good workout. Shadow had a great time too. She’s really benefitting from her little walks and says she’s feeling much better than she was. Ari just wants his bottom to get better so he can come for a swim again too.


Wilma got excited yesterday as her entry papers for Crufts have arrived. She was worried they wouldn’t come in time, but now everything is sorted she’s a happy dog. She was also very pleased when our Mistress realised as they’d be staying in a hotel the day before there probably wasn’t the opportunity to give her a bath. Our Mistress said that the hotel has a big shower and she’s sure they won’t mind if Wilma goes in that. She will have her own towels with her anyway, so there won’t be a problem. Wilma was not impressed!

Have a good Wednesday
