Spring – Saturday 16th February 2019


Oh I know it only feels like spring, but I like it. Yesterday here was glorious. It started cold and frosty and I point blank refused to spend longer in the garden than absolutely necessary. Later on though, once it warmed up, I didn’t object at all to the idea of a little walk. Our Mistress took me to the walk I like best so I could have a bit of a sniff and a wander. I have to say I really did enjoy it. Shadow said her leg didn’t hurt so much when she went out. She’s only doing five minutes a day at the moment to try to build up a bit of strength. She’s taking anti-inflammatories too and she says they are helping. There is however nothing better than warm weather and sunshine.


I don’t think Wilma told you about Shadow’s vaccinations. Oh dear, I think our Mistress needs to buy some body armour. Either that or a straight-jacket for Shadow. Even after ten years of having it, she has not reached a point of accepting having the Kennel Cough vaccine squirted up her nose. To be fair I’m not keen either. Shadow however needed to be pinned down and was throwing her head around in such a way that our Mistress was lucky that our vet didn’t end up punching her by mistake. Our Mistress is sincerely glad that she doesn’t have to go through that again for another twelve months – at least with Shadow!

Beetle Drive

Tonight our Mistress is going to the village beetle drive. I had a picture in my head of small insects driving little cars around the village hall, but apparently it’s not like that. It’s a weirdly addictive game that humans enjoy and which we can’t see the point to. It doesn’t involve a ball, or chasing, or other dogs. I will never understand humans, however hard I try.

Have a great Saturday
